Ramblings on Human Potential

I recently found myself in a heated debate with a person who I deemed, in that moment, to be irrational. This was a person I know very well, and all the people involved in the conversation have close ties. Conversations of this intensity and with this type of intimacy have a tendency to get out of hand. We've all been there. This one didn't necessarily get out of hand, and that doesn't really even matter because this post isn't about that conversation itself as much as it is about what I took away from the moment. At one point during this debate, the irrational person was trying to convince those gathered that those who are able to find success and contentment in life are overly privileged because they simply have no worries. They're able to forge on and do life with no fear.

A light bulb went off in my head at that moment. No, scratch that. An atomic bomb went off in my head at that moment.  It occurred to me that when comparing folks of the same mental acuity, privilege,  and means, the only difference between a life of discontent and a life of joy and abundance (Not necessarily monetary. There are many ways to have an abundant life.) is the ability to push on and create oneself despite fear. I don't know that there is a person alive that doesn't doubt their path, worry about failing, or oftentimes find themselves completely unsure of the road ahead. The difference between ordinary and absolutely extraordinary is the ability to plow forward despite those voices in our heads that do everything they can to freeze us into place. That voice that spends all of its time pushing mediocrity and conformity to the status quo is loud and overbearing. It has no mercy, but it also absolutely does not have any of our best interests at heart 

What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough? They're all going to laugh at you!? I think that last one is a quote from a Stephen King book, but it works well in this instance. That voice is the voice that keeps so many people from pushing on toward that next best thing, but it's just a voice... in your head. Do we really want to be making life decisions based on what the mean little voices in our heads are saying? 

I am of the complete and total (redundancies are fun) belief that inside each and every human being on this planet lies a wellspring of limitless potential. I believe that as strongly as I believe the sun will rise tomorrow, taxes will continue to rise, and the Lord God himself is looking down and rooting for every one of us. There is absolutely nothing we cannot do. In my life, I have set some lofty goals. Some of them I have met. Others I have bombed spectacularly. Both instances have a common theme. The dreams and goals of my life that I've let die are the dreams and goals that I did not pursue because I was afraid they were unattainable. That makes absolutely no sense. I'm not even going to try because I might not succeed? So, I've now guaranteed my own failure. 

Why do we do this? Why do we listen? Us, the children of light, are fooled time and time again if we give in. Our boundless spirit and energy deserves so much more respect. We deserve to have faith in ourselves. Each and every one of us deserves to feel like the conquerors of life that we truly are.  

I don't know when I took up the mantra "be great, today". It's something I've said to myself and subsequently shared on social media many times over the years. It's not just a platitude. It's a call to action. Stop giving in to that voice of fear. Stop letting the small part of yourself win. Not once more! Be great today, my friends. 


  1. "What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough?" How many times I've said these words to myself? Good read :)

    1. Thank you... but mostly, DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT VOICE!!! :)


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